We are here for you 

Fired Up Coaches

People come from all walks of life, as do our coaches. We collaborate with over 50 coaches who have expertise in various fields, ranging from HR to Tech and the creative industry. On this site, you will only see profiles that are currently available.

Victoria Schrank

Victoria Schrank

Tanya Master

Tanya Master

Sasu Betz

Sasu Betz

Jakob Schwarz

Jakob Schwarz

Zsofia Szilli

Zsofia Szilli

Lisa Altenpohl

Lisa Altenpohl

Varsha Lalwani

Varsha Lalwani

Cristina Ciodaru

Cristina Ciodaru

Alan Piatek

Alan Piatek

Audrey Lintz

Audrey Lintz

Niklas Boukal

Niklas Boukal

Fareen Shaikh

Fareen Shaikh

Junko Okada

Junko Okada

Doris Mampe

Doris Mampe

Tamás Hovanyecz

Tamás Hovanyecz

Shamin Hassomal

Shamin Hassomal

Seda Elibol

Seda Elibol

Krista Casey

Krista Casey

Michael de la Bedoyere

Michael de la Bedoyere

Jessica Paulus

Jessica Paulus

Dimitri Page

Dimitri Page

Ikey Greene

Ikey Greene

Julia Maiwald

Julia Maiwald

Alexandra Schneller

Alexandra Schneller

Sarah Asche

Sarah Asche

Gratia Napier

Gratia Napier

Leonie Scholten

Leonie Scholten

Maegan Gorbett

Maegan Gorbett

Emmanuelle Wilhelm

Emmanuelle Wilhelm

Aimee Thompson

Aimee Thompson

Julia Singh

Julia Singh

Carolin Scheffold

Carolin Scheffold

Sara Tootoonchi

Sara Tootoonchi

Joanna Gähwiler

Joanna Gähwiler

Julia Karmo

Julia Karmo

Anastasia Derenko

Anastasia Derenko

Pelén B. Nabbs

Pelén B. Nabbs

Yana Maeva

Yana Maeva

Florence Jimenez Otto

Florence Jimenez Otto

Phoebe Faulkner

Phoebe Faulkner

Do you find it challenging to choose? Feel free to schedule a call with us. We have more coaches in our network and are happy to advise you.


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